Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Milky Way

Our imaginary Milky Way.


Today you are going to have to pretend really hard!

Look at today's cartoon and pretend that it is NOT some little bits of cut paper on a black background!

Instead IMAGINE that you are standing outside at night looking up at the starry sky!

(And I hope you live somewhere where you can see the starry night sky!!)

You will see a cloudy path of pale light going right across the sky and some other bright star and planets scattered around.

Pretty, huh?

That path of pale light is called the Milky Way and it is made up of LOTS of stars just like our SUN except VERY far away.

That pale path of light, the famous Milky Way is our very own GALAXY.


Isn't that a cool word?

Next Tuesday I will explain what our GALAXY is!

WOW! I can hardly wait!!


Uncle Tom


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