With a last heave on the rope and a scramble of claws I stood at last on the tippety top of the Slippery Slope--panting from the effort, but safe.
I saw that the rope was tied to a stout tree near the edge of the slope--and sitting on a branch of that same tree was a very large crow.
"Welcome to the top, Sir Crabaine!" Croaked the crow.
"Thank you VERY much!" I replied, "Are YOU the one who helped me with the rope? Do I know you?"
"You don't know me--but I know YOU!" said the crow.
"Yes, it was me who threw you the rope!"
"Your quest for the Box of Destiny is important--not only for yourself, but for others--and whenever someone undertakes a serious quest, help comes from many sources, sources unknown to the quester himself."
"My name is Shadow", said the crow and I am one of your helpers."
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