The trees and bushes parted with a SMASH and two HUGE adult DINOSAURS thrust their gigantic heads into the gang of frightened vulture thugs!
"Mommy! Daddy!!" shouted Dinah. "You're just in time for the PARTY!!"
"JUST IN TIME IS RIGHT!" snorted Daddy Dinosaur. "But NOT for THEIR party!!! I suspected when I saw that evil vulture circling in the sky that you might be in danger and we came running to help !"
"AH-HA! Then you saw my distress signal--just as I planned!" said Constable Crab. "I suspected that you good parents would be out looking for your child--and a circling vulture would be the best danger warning I could send you!"
"Thank you! Oh, THANK YOU!" Mommy Dinosaur cried! You SAVED our child!!"
"All in a day's work." said Constable Crab modestly. "I am always glad to help."
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