Friday, November 28, 2008

Crab Dream

Constable Crab doses and sleeps in the nice warm sun.

And while he sleeps he dreams--and when Constable Crab dreams--he dreams BIG!

Read on to discover our favorite crab in King Arthur's Court--and the wonderful Box of Destiny!

Tomasito, 2008


1 comment:

Joaquin Whitewolf said...

I read your blogs with great interest and enjoyment. just wanted to contribute to your Imotep blog story "My First Beating"...Pop's WWII selective service status was 1-Y, not 4-F.

4-F = Physically or mentaly impaired to the point of incapacity to function as a military compatant or support troop.

1-Y = Not recommended for military duty due to status as sole support of a family unit of four or more.

Bro Jack