Madam Clam pulled herself together, straightened up and took a deep breath.
"I know it is QUITE unusual for a CLAM to have a Pearl", she said, "But it was given to me by an admirer, Augustus Von Oyster, a few years ago--and it means SO MUCH to me!"
"And exactly WHEN did you LAST see the pearl?" I asked.
"This morning when I got up and came in for breakfast.
I touched it as I always did first thing in the morning, for good luck--and I am SURE it was right near my clam-bed when I left the room!"
"But..." I suggested.
"BUT," she continued, "When I came back in to dress to go out, it was GONE!"
"And had anyone been near it while you were at breakfast?"
"That's just it! There was no-one in the house but Clarence, the butler and myself! The maid was taking her day off and was not here!"
"Then perhaps I should talk to Clarence--alone." I said.
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