Saturday, December 27, 2008


"This Ring-Bo-Ree is excellent!" I said. "It makes me feel energized, alert, ready and strong!"

" 'At's it exactly yer Grace!" Rocky replied--"Very tasty stuff it is! --an' now, Auntie, Wot about th' aforesaid BOX?"

"The Jumblies carried that 'ere Box o' Destiny with 'em t' the East." Auntie Agatha said, "--over th' Slippery Slope and through th' Dell o' Gloom-- an' 'tis not exackly sartain, but 'tis highly possable they stashed it finely under a tor in the middle of the Perplex Plain!"

" 'Under th' Tor in the Perplex Plain
An' 'there it ever shall remain
'Til the knightly Crab brings it home again!' the old sayin' goes!" Rocky recited.


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