Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Farewell Rock Crabs

"It is still early in the day!" I said, "So lets get going NOW! Which way is the Slippery Slope?"

"Well, the Slippery Slope is near at hand--in fac' it starts to get slipperty just as soon as ya leave this nice pile o' stones where Auntie Agatha makes her home, but..."

"And a mighty fine home it is!" I agreed.

"But," continued Rocky, "but, M'Lord, I's sorry, but I can't go wit'cha."

"You mean--you mean-- I have to go on alone?" I asked, a little surprised--since the good rock crabs had been so generous and helpful to me in my quest so far.

"Ya'see Your Worship--I's Kinda..."

"My Nephoo Hemi Grapsus,
Sir Knight, is King o' this Rockcrabby Land. An' as such, MUST sorrowfully stay wit' an' pertect his rock crabby folk and not go on quests--even those as serioous and important as yers doubtless is!"

"Say no more, my Dear Friends!" I said. "
To each his duty! Just point me to the Slippery Slope and I will carry on!"

"Stout Heart, Yer Grace!" Rocky quietly whispered, as my two new--very helpful--rock crab friends led me to the edge of their stone pile home and the base of The Slippery Slope.


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